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Bitumen in Bitutainers

Bitumen in Bitutainers

Bitumen containers are also known as Bitumen in bitutainers. They are a minor part of the different types of bitumen packaging available. Bitutainers are an alternative method of supplying Bulk bitumen without chartering a bulk vessel. Some may use bitutainers as storage tanks and discharge their bitumen at a later time for their intended use. This method is used to transport high quality bitumen to minor or major road construction projects. As an alternative, bitumen clients who wish to purchase bulk bitumen rent bitutainers. Once they are rented they are sent to our facilities in Bandar Abbas Iran. We are only a few short kilometers in distance from Bandar Abbas Port. Once they are sent to us, our job is to fill them with your preferred grade of high quality road bitumen. Bitumen in bitutainers usually poses a heat generator. This an intricate part of the bitutainers which in turn, bring or maintain the bitumen to or in a warn and liquid state. This practice is in place to ensure the easy discharge of your bitumen at the discharge port. As their heating functions vary, please check the functionality of your bitutainers independently. Depending on its capacity, we can generally load 25 metric tons of bitumen in each bitutainer. Larger sized bitutainers may also be available in the market, known as 40 feet bitutaienrs. The shipping and rental cost of these larger units are generally higher. If you require assistance finding a source to attain bitutainers, please let us know and we will do our best to make some recommendations to you.