free statistics VISCOSITY GRADE BITUMEN – Asehbitumen


Viscosity Grade bitumen is manufactured and graded differently from other types of bitumen. This grade of bitumen has been introduced to the industry in order to make the behavior of bitumen more predictable at various temperatures, particularly higher ones.

All Bitumen VG grades are produced by the oxidation of the vacuum bottom. In this process, it is the high quality of raw materials that signals the better performance of VG bitumen, in the time of application.

In addition, viscosity grade bitumen is tested and classified differently from other types of bitumen. After production, we test the VGs by a viscometer to classify them according to their level of viscosity in three various temperatures. Find out more about viscosity testing here. This testing system results in the classification of bituminous products to four VG grades including VG10 Bitumen, VG20 Bitumen, VG30 Bitumen, and VG40 Bitumen. The higher the number, the harder the bitumen in the viscosity grading system.

Viscosity grade bitumen is one of the most widely used grades of bitumen in the world. In comparison to penetration grade bitumen, this type of bitumen is easier to handle (both mixing and compaction) and its resistance to rutting is more predictable.

November 15, 2020

VG 30

November 15, 2020

VG 40

November 15, 2020

VG 10

November 15, 2020

Viscosity Grade Bitumen Specifications Table

November 15, 2020

What is the standard application for each grade of viscosity?